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Installation view
Scorelord / Stigadrottinn, 2020 - digital print and graphite on paper
Installation view
Installation view
POV (Point of View) / POV (sjónahorn), 2020 - Oil on woodboard
Dicethrone (Armored Luxury) / Happdrættishásæti (brynvarinn munaður), 2020 - polished steel, dice, sand
Dice throwing bowl / Teningakastskál, 2020 - polished steel, dice, sand
2020, prospect (20 sided die in 20 pieces) / 2020, horfur (tuttuguhliða teningur í tuttugu molum) - Oil on woodboard
2020, retrospect (20 sided die in 20 pieces) / 2020, eftiráhyggja (tuttuguhliða teningur í tuttugu molum) - Oil on woodboard
Core Temperature / Kjarnhiti, 2020 - Mixed media
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